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  • Writer's pictureKaitlin Alexander


I have never really talked about the body image and eating issues I struggle with unless its with close friends and family, and even then I am very private about it.

The other day while casually scrolling the internet, I came across someone talking about Intuitive Eating and in the comment section someone argued that intuitive eating is not ideal for someone who struggles with BED and that it tells them to just eat low nutritional foods as much as they want. The writer responded by telling them to “heal their relationship with food before trying Intuitive Eating”.

That answer sparked something in me. It made me begin thinking about what it means and looks like for me to heal my relationship with food. It clicked.

It’s like the more I seek living the highest form of myself, the more layers I peel back. It really is like peeling an onion.

Asking myself this question, “how to heal my relationship with food?” made me curious and hopeful for true healing and overcoming this pest. I’ve come across an Intuitive eating podcast that sounds very promising. It talks a lot about rejecting the “Diet Mentality” and learning to listen to my body. Which, I didn’t know this but kind of figured, that with BED or any other kind of eating disorder, your digestion will be out of whack along with proper hunger signals, so it will take some time to get into the intuitive eating part.

I am excited to start this journey toward recovery from BED and hopefully, along with that, I heal the anxiety, and depression.



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