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I am having a moment of anxiety. My breathing feels constricted and all I feel is fear. Living with anxiety makes my walk feel like a...


What does “be the clay” mean to me? I would not feel right if I didn’t give a shout-out to Ms. Lisa Nichols for this statement. I was...


The other day I was researching the bible about weight and gluttony, trying to get God’s perspective in that area. I came across this...


I am afraid that my visions for my life will not come to pass because I am insecure about my abilities. Before I wrote that sentence, I...

(02)Money: Paycheck 2 Paycheck

As my desire to move out on my own increases I am noticing financial barriers that are in the way. From watching Stacey Flowers and her...

Leap or Be Still? (Proverbs 19:2)

I am in a season of my life where I am unsure if I should take a leap or be still. Something that I have been asking God for has...

Being Honest: Money (01)

This past Sunday at church, the guest preacher spoke about finances. He reminded me that stewarding money well is important for God to...

Feelings are unreliable.

One minute I can feel strongly about a thing and the next I can feel the total opposite. “Feelings are not facts”, says Myleik Teele....

A Psalm 112 Woman

I am letting the old me die. The girl who dreamed of one day fitting into the mainstream. The girl who placed her self-worth and value in...

Facing A Fear

I published my 2nd podcast with the intention of having people listen to it and get something from it. I have had to pray multiple times...


I have never really talked about the body image and eating issues I struggle with unless its with close friends and family, and even then...

Where Do I See Myself in 5 Years?

In 5 years I will be 31 years old. Wow, that seems very distant. When I think about this question right now I have a sense of...

Romans 8:6 (SOW)

S: Romans 8:6- If our minds are ruled by our desires we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace....

My Journey to Living Gods Way

I am afraid that if I attach myself to God too much, I’ll lose my freedom. But, in actuality attaching myself to God is where I will...

Spiritually Independent Woman

When I was about 13 years old, my mom gave me her cell phone for a day. I was so excited and ready to show it off. I got to school,...

Ambition without God.

In the beginning of 2018 I wrote a New Year’s Resolution, that my son would be fully potty trained. At the time when I wrote the...

Attaching to Greater

To attach ourselves to something greater begins with practicing the ability to see beyond our current reality. This is where vision...

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