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  • Writer's pictureKaitlin Alexander

Romans 8:6 (SOW)

S: Romans 8:6- If our minds are ruled by our desires we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace.


· If= assuming that, “as long as”

· Ruled by (Seen 2x in this verse)= Control, dominate, managed by

· Desires= strongly wish for or want, aspiration, impulse

· Die= Slip away or “long, yearn, ache for something”

· Spirit= Non-physical, seat of our emotions and character -> Creative power of life (God)

· Life= the ability or capacity for growth, reproduction, creation, viability

· Peace= Freedom from disturbance, calm, restful.

W: This is my interpretation of this verse.

· As long as our minds are managed by our (desires) the things we want in life (Goals, fantasies, aspirations, wishes, desires) we will long for and yearn for something, we will be uneasy, unsatisfied, always thirsty for more. In other words there is no fulfillment in our own desires. We will never be completely satisfied in our goals, aspirations, and dreams. We will always be discontent and desire more and more. There will always be a thirst for something more, deeper, greater than what is given to us.

· However, if our minds (thoughts, ideas) are managed by the spirit (God’s creative power), we will have life and peace. In other words, we will have (life) the ability to grow and produce viable creativity in this world. Things that represent strength, beauty, and freedom, all while being free from emotional and mental disturbances. Such as, anxiety, depression, social pressure, discontentment.

· The work that we do will have meaning and purpose. Whatever we do we will do it with a restful clarity. We will be free from urgency and discontent and the need for more because all that we have is all that we need in each moment. God gives us our daily bread which is enough to sustain us.

· God can take the same goals, aspirations, and dreams that we have and make the process of receiving them (the journey and outcome) light and easy to bear.

· Ego’s will starve to death giving us room to live; grow and make mistakes, and live free from societal rules. And, because we are operating from a place of life and peace, God can use us in ways that we produce Fruit (Growth, creativity, strength)

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